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Underground Conference 13 is LIVE!

UC13 is running since last Sunday.

If you can't make it, now the UC13 party stream is LIVE:


Sign in using your SceneID to also join our party chat.

Find the list of events here:


The main competitions are running from Thursday.

It's not too late to join us for the party weekend using our discounted weekend ticket.

Get the facts:

[Submitted by scamp]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Thu 20 Jun 2024 | Hits: 412 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Demoscene exhibition in Hamburg

We cordially invite you to our einklang.net & Friends exhibition as part of the kunst altonale!
On June 1st and 2nd, an oasis of creativity and inspiration awaits you on the Platz der Republik (Hamburg Altona).

Experience a variety of artworks, from vibrant acrylic paintings to captivating illustrations and expressive drawings. And best of all, you can not only admire them, but also purchase them and take them home with you!

You will also be enchanted by our drawing robot, which draws portraits live and independently! A literally interactive work of art that you have to experience.

A video installation on the DEMO scene offers a spectacular look at the world of real-time algorithms, provides information about this unique digital art form and, above all, makes it tangible. DEMO art is the first digital art form ever to be declared intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. This must be celebrated!

To round off the evening, there will also be danceable live electronic music. Look forward to great sets from B.Vernunft, Hooker and KNRD. We look forward to welcoming you to this unforgettable event!
[Submitted by Ghandy]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Tue 28 May 2024 | Hits: 694 | Read/Post Comment: 1 |

Issue 20 of the Amiga diskmag Jurassic Pack can be read online.

We invite you to read the latest issue of the Amiga diskmag Jurassic Pack online for all those who have problems with an emulator or don't own the original hardware anymore. You can read the last four issues here.
[Submitted by Ghandy]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Tue 28 May 2024 | Hits: 700 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

CORE'97 / CORE'98 intros remake

I just finished COREMAKE - CORE'97 / CORE'98 intros remake. This is open source project with full ANSI C MS-DOS source codes (compiled under Turbo C 2.01).
This intros reverse engineered and remaked solely for fun and nostalgia. Most of the code disassembled from intros, but expect some slightly differences here and there compared to original behavior.
Greetings to everyone at CORE who did original intros almost 30 years ago!
This was fascinating dive into the late 90th technology finding origins of all assets used in the intros. The first attempt was in 2003 but only today I was able to find almost all sources for code and assets - see README.md at GitHub. Also will be glad if someone can help to identify and pinpoint the source of the font1 file - this is only asset without known origin. PC archaeology FTW!
Not sure this is the right place to submit this, but I hope you help me and forward to the right direction.
Thank you!
[Submitted by SysTools]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Fri 24 May 2024 | Hits: 1591 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Full-scale Game Boy Advance dev jam is back after two-year hiatus

You have 3 months to make something cool that runs on the Game Boy Advance, using whatever tools you like!

More info: https://itch.io/jam/gbajam24
[Submitted by Anonymous]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Fri 17 May 2024 | Hits: 735 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Demoscene Report 24 April 2024

Weekly news and releases from the active demoscene.
Premiered on 24 April 2024!
Watch it on youtube.
[Submitted by ps]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Fri 26 Apr 2024 | Hits: 1166 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Demoscene Report April 2024

News and highlights of the active demoscene April 2024: here
[Submitted by ps]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Wed 17 Apr 2024 | Hits: 856 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Hege Nordli’s PhD thesis available

[ Demoscene Research ] Hege Nordli’s PhD thesis available
Hege Nordli’s scene-related PhD thesis, The Net Is Not Enough: Searching for the Female Hacker, has been hard to obtain for years, but now that problem is remedied. Markku spent a few hours scanning the book and got permission from Nordli to make the pdf available online (thanks!), so here you go: http://www.kameli.net/~marq/scenepub/nordli_hege/The_Net_Is_Not_Enough-ocr.pdf
[Submitted by BitBot]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Mon 08 Apr 2024 | Hits: 984 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Emticles and Arpires

[ Conspiracy ] Emticles and Arpires
In case you missed it, we have released our first 64k intro with our new toolchain! There's also going to be some more content in the articles section about how it works, so keep your eyes peeled.
[Submitted by BitBot]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Mon 08 Apr 2024 | Hits: 915 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Demoscene Report March 2024

Latest news, releases and highlights just before Revision. Get all caught up with what happened in March 2024 on the active demoscene by watching this video.
[Submitted by ps]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Tue 26 Mar 2024 | Hits: 933 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Outline 2024 - 9-12 may Ommen, Netherlands

May 9-12 2024, Ommen, Netherlands

Tickets & registration for Holland’s longest running annual demoscene event are now online!

- Competitions for all platforms
- Party with DJ’s
- Free breakfast, tea & coffee
- Good food & beds at party location
- Flat scenic Dutch landscape all around
- Craptastic prize giving ceremony

Register here!
[Submitted by zeno4ever]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Mon 18 Mar 2024 | Hits: 2095 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Underground Conference 13 (2nd try) - Sunday, June 16 to Sunday, June 23 2024 - Bingen am Rhein, Germany

Last year we sadly had to cancel UC13 due to it colliding with an unfortunate existing-related event.

But now in 2024, we are going to do it. Yes, you read that right, Underground Conference 13 is a go!

The party is happening Sunday, June 16 to Sunday, June 23 2024. You may join for the whole week, or just for the final weekend when most compos are taking place.

Please note: This is the FINAL EDITION of UC taking place at this location. No "I'll be back next year" for you, it's now or never.

Find all the glory details here:


It's a MYTH that UC is invitation-only. If you are a scener, digital artist or creative person, you will be welcome to join. We are just doing some basic sanity checks so we know who will enjoy the extreme freedom and hedonism. 99% of our party registrations are approved. Don't be scared about the registration form!

On a sad note:

As you probably also remember, now our long-term core organizer and very good friend mbb also has been challenged by an existence-related event. We still are in a state of pain and grieve. We have decided not to cancel the party a second time, as we are most sure mbb would have wanted UC to take place. And that's what we'll do.

An a related note: Please go register now. Once you have done that, we kindly ask you not to die prior to the party.

Also: We are looking for additional organizers who ideally are not dead. We have openings at the Aciddesk, in the compo team and in the decoration team, and also in all other teams.

Also, please join as at SceneCity for further discussion:



UC13 Disorganizing
[Submitted by scamp]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Tue 12 Mar 2024 | Hits: 1016 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Demoscene Report February 2024 (part 2)

News and highlights from the active demoscene later half of February 2024: link
[Submitted by ps]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Fri 08 Mar 2024 | Hits: 908 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Versus issue 10 in the making - vote now!

Vote now for the last chartsmag being alive on the Amiga. We plan to release it on classical OCS/ECS as well as on OS4 Amigas and on our website and for Android smartphones. While voting you can also drop us some news or the memberlist of your group. You can vote online here.
[Submitted by Ghandy]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Fri 01 Mar 2024 | Hits: 756 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

X2024 - The Commodore 64 Party! May 10th-12th. Tickets on sale!

Sign up and purchase your ticket at the offical website here: https://xparty.net

The X parties are renowned in the demoscene since 1995. Each edition just gets louder, colorfuller, stupider, drunker and straight up awesomer. As usual, Silicon Ltd, SCS*TRC and Xenon invite you to join us in celebrating 8-bit culture.

X2024 starts Friday May 10th until Sunday May 12th in Someren, the Netherlands. For X the Commodore 64 home computer is more than just an ancient relic of pre-internet technology. It's our voice, our art, our dreams and desires all packed into a machine that some people would use as mere vintage living room decoration.

It's our weapon of choice to create amazing art within a very limited scope, and we're damn proud of that! So come on over and enjoy a great weekend with the machine you love! See this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZYjsS5t_hc for a nice impression of an earlier edition of X!

Today X is being held in the same venue! More information on X or to sign up and/or to purchase a ticket click here: https://xparty.net/

[Submitted by magicnah]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Mon 26 Feb 2024 | Hits: 586 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Demoscene Report February 2024 part 1

Summary of all the news and highlights from the active demoscene of the first half of Februaryy 2024 in a single youtube video: link
[Submitted by ps]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Fri 23 Feb 2024 | Hits: 1772 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Demoscene Report January 2024

Summary of all the news and highlights from the active demoscene of January 2024 in a single youtube video: link
[Submitted by ps]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Tue 13 Feb 2024 | Hits: 868 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Scene World Podcast Episode #181 – Rebel Rabbit

We are back with a new episode of our podcast and this time we welcome Germán Cruz, CTO of the game studio Rebel Rabbit from Peru. We are talking about their history, their several years experience in the industry, their approach and of course about their new game ‘Wild Wild Space’. Enjoy! The interview starts at minute 37:37 into the podcast

listen to / watch: https://scene.world/rblrbt
[Submitted by Nafcom]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Mon 22 Jan 2024 | Hits: 907 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Demoscene 2023 Highlights

Video with the demoscene highlights from 2023: link
[Submitted by ps]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Thu 18 Jan 2024 | Hits: 1298 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |

Final version of the diskmag Jurassic Pack for Amiga AGA is out!

How time flies! Sixpack's pre-issue came out in the summer of 1995 and it seems like the day before yesterday.

After 18.5 years we present the twentieth and possibly last issue of the Amiga diskmag Jurassic Pack. There should be something for everyone in terms of content. But especially oldskoolers should be satisfied.

In a few months you will be able to read the articles online if you no longer own any hardware and still have problems configuring the Amiga emulators. You can download JP#20 from here.
[Submitted by Ghandy]
Posted by ALiEN^bf on Thu 11 Jan 2024 | Hits: 1441 | Read/Post Comment: 0 |
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