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BitFellas: BitJam :: Info for Little Bitchard & 1in10 - Choose Zero Polys And Shaders (Demo)

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Songs: 36181, Authors: 6123
by JC
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[Progress: 01:52/04:53, Plays: 97, Rating: 6.0 (3 Votes), Comments: 0, Request: BitBot]
7/150 Listeners (66 Peak), 8205 Comments (24h: 0), 103896 Votes (24h: 0), 36181 Songs, 6123 Authors, 1990 Hours, Queue: 00:15:48 (5 Songs)

Song Info

Choose Zero Polys And Shaders (Demo)
FinlandLittle Bitchard
Length: 05:21, Page Loaded: 4155 times
Format: NA    Platform: PC
Last Played: 03.05.24 15:14:01
Last User Request: ALiEN^bf
Total Plays: 304 (added: 03.11.06)
Appears in Favourites: 18 times

Rating: 7.7 (32 Votes)

Downloads for this track: (1319 clicks) (478 clicks)

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Votes for this track:
8: SaphirJD 25.02.07 8: ALiEN^bf 25.02.07 8: Serpent 31.03.07 8: FRaNKy 20.04.07 8: spectral 23.04.07
8: ALecs 28.06.07 8: Adonis 22.08.07 8: Buzzer 06.09.07 8: oHIo 18.09.07 8: eye/TRBS 27.09.07
8: gg 28.09.07 7: CONS 29.09.07 8: Myx 29.09.07 8: pohar 03.10.07 8: KF^bf 19.10.07
8: Bobic 19.02.08 8: Bac0n 12.03.08 8: neoneye 12.03.08 7: madstop 11.05.08 8: bittin 09.06.08
8: pigpen 21.12.08 4: Brainbug 26.03.09 8: SoDa7 28.04.09 8: vincenzo 28.04.09 8: ilesj 24.06.09
8: garryweb0r 23.12.09 7: Kosher-X 04.01.10 6: Salinga 08.02.10 8: Mice 29.03.10 8: diver4d 18.04.10
8: 505 21.05.10 8: Peivl67 06.11.10

Comments for this track:
bullet ultra | Comments: 8 | 2007.02.24
great tune

bullet SaphirJD | Comments: 234 | 2007.02.25
wow.. what a great Tune - Like it a lot

bullet FRaNKy | Comments: 1 | 2007.04.20
Close to an instant classic...

bullet ALiEN^bf | Comments: 1885 | 2007.06.08
Demonstrates depth and majesty!

bullet ALecs | Comments: 113 | 2007.07.16
Added link to the demo version which is this tune. The Freestyle Music version is missing the credits part.

bullet Adonis | Comments: 1 | 2007.08.22
I want a sample of your sperm... so that I get yours kids...

Thanks in advance..

bullet CONS | Comments: 1644 | 2007.09.29
Damn, what do they feed him ? I want to have a portion of that, too.

bullet Myx | Comments: 61 | 2007.09.29
One of the best demo of Mfx and Kewlers.

bullet Bobic | Comments: 1865 | 2008.02.19
best demo soundtrack of 2006!

bullet pigpen | Comments: 25 | 2008.12.21
Brilliant tune and demo, hasnt got old from many many viewings yet.

bullet SoDa7 | Comments: 52 | 2009.04.28
Leggendary track! A new classic in the scene!

bullet Lord Nikon | Comments: 3 | 2011.12.09

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