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BitFellas: BitJam :: Info for Banana - Echoing

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by JC
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[Progress: 00:43/06:12, Plays: 138, Rating: 5.7 (6 Votes), Comments: 0, Request: BitBot]
5/150 Listeners (66 Peak), 8205 Comments (24h: 0), 103896 Votes (24h: 0), 36181 Songs, 6123 Authors, 1990 Hours, Queue: 00:22:13 (5 Songs)

Song Info

Length: 02:28, Page Loaded: 5633 times
Format: MOD    Platform: Amiga
Last Played: 11.05.24 09:14:17
Last User Request: ALiEN^bf
Total Plays: 353 (added: 25.10.06)
Appears in Favourites: 8 times

Rating: 6.9 (26 Votes)

World Of Wonders - Dugger The Untouchables - Another Modemimport
Alpha Flight - Cracker Journal 14 Phenomena - Flight Of Dreams 2
World Of Wonders - International Karate + Flash Team - Musicdisk 2
Megaforce - Newio 2.0 Developer@Cinemascope Intro Byterapers - Rape Collection 1
The Untouchables - Sine Intro Megaforce - Sound Explosion 1
Electronic Artists - Soundtracker Injury 2 The Electronic Knights - Zappack 4
Zodiac - Zappel Alcatraz - Megademo 3
Haitex - A New Songdisk - Demo-n-ware BBS@Walt Disney
Deutsches Reinheitsgebot - First Demo Triangle - Gigademo III
Midnightsun,Clones - RyydMan Digi-Demo Megaforce - Amiga Call
Energy - Bring Me Edelweiss@Freibier Megaforce - Cutter
Blaze - New Intro Pre-Release

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Votes for this track:
3: gg 24.02.07 8: zeg 25.02.07 7: ultra 25.02.07 8: ALiEN^bf 25.02.07 8: Serpent 09.03.07
8: Helioth 14.03.07 7: SaphirJD 14.03.07 7: EviL 07.04.07 7: Myx 17.04.07 6: Virgill 18.04.07
8: Truck 17.05.07 7: madstop 07.06.07 8: Archmage 22.06.07 8: Hyde 28.06.07 6: oHIo 28.06.07
6: ALecs 06.07.07 4: pohar 04.10.07 8: Lee CuLpRiT 09.10.07 7: Bobic 22.03.08 7: CONS 11.04.08
7: Buzzer 19.01.09 6: vincenzo 13.02.09 5: ilesj 24.06.09 8: TTD 20.03.10 7: Mice 24.04.10
8: gand 12.08.18

Comments for this track:
bullet zeg | Comments: 331 | 2007.02.24
One of the first tunes made by Banana on Amiga. yaeh!

bullet ultra | Comments: 8 | 2007.02.25
well maybe the first... but rocks totally i heard in a loop for a while

bullet ALiEN^bf | Comments: 1885 | 2007.02.25
Love this classic.

bullet Helioth | Comments: 51 | 2007.03.14
Legendary stuff.

bullet SaphirJD | Comments: 234 | 2007.03.14
Not bad

bullet EviL | Comments: 109 | 2007.04.07
amazing tune
also know as 003 if my mind don't play tricks on me

bullet SaphirJD | Comments: 234 | 2007.04.12
had to upgrade my vote.. this one is very good

bullet Myx | Comments: 61 | 2007.04.17
Good old tune.

bullet Virgill | Comments: 147 | 2007.04.18
yep, quite cool.. But I have no rememberance to this one. btw. I met banana once on a party in the netherlands. he´s a great guitar player. He brought his guit and amp .. I guess it was the "somewhere in holland" party. They also had a stripper

bullet Truck | Comments: 71 | 2007.05.16
Virgill: Banana is the guy who convinced me to go to Breakpoint 2003 - my first demo party EVER - and well we know what happened after that. Banana is a very cool guy (:

At some point, I'll try to get Banana to write up what he did for this song, though I think he may be tired of telling the story (:

bullet Serpent | Comments: 428 | 2007.05.17
I've read a story about it somewhere, i think it was on same site that had the story about TEK in general (written by Banana), but couldn't find it anymore..

bullet banana | Comments: 3 | 2007.05.23
Yeah, there was a story about The Electronic Knights and mod.echoing online, but it was lost. I'll write down the story behind the module and post it on this site. And no, truck, I'm not yet tired of telling it

bullet ALiEN^bf | Comments: 1885 | 2007.06.23
Now, I want to know

bullet Archmage | Comments: 26 | 2007.06.24
Best Amiga tune - ever. It is just very very beautiful. Banana - are you still with us?!

bullet banana | Comments: 3 | 2007.06.27
I'm here, I'm here. It's just that I did not write it down, yet...

bullet janer | Comments: 15 | 2007.06.27
one of the best tunes ever!!!! just lovely

bullet Hyde | Comments: 19 | 2007.06.27
This is a strange tune. I remember it made a magical impression on me the first time I heard it and it's burnt into my memory for forever. Super stuff.

bullet Truck | Comments: 71 | 2007.06.28
BANANA!!!! (:

Dude you going to TUM? (:

bullet banana | Comments: 3 | 2007.06.28
dunno. TUM is after xmas, isn't it?

bullet gg | Comments: 34 | 2007.08.17
Zum abgewöhnen. Heh. Heh.

bullet Lee CuLpRiT | Comments: 1909 | 2007.10.09
I agree with Hyde. A very haunting/mysterious sound 2 it.

bullet Bobic | Comments: 1865 | 2008.03.22
a classic!

bullet CONS | Comments: 1644 | 2008.04.11
Good one!

bullet Buzzer | Comments: 101 | 2009.01.19
a classic

bullet ALiEN^bf | Comments: 1885 | 2009.02.13
Appears in quite a few Amiga demos That BitWorld linking is great, thanks Zeg!

bullet AMItac | Comments: 59 | 2010.02.07
remembering very well in this song. i loved the sonar fx ...a little masterpiece back then in hmm 1988 or so. btw. if you love this old tune, check also tennis / spreadpoint !

bullet TTD | Comments: 2 | 2010.03.20
For me this tune is so damm "good" that I need to make a cover for it to the little C64, hope Banana doesn't kill me for that because I didn't ask for any permission first, I really love this tune.

I know that Banana also did create some tunes for C64 but not this good one so I have try recreate one of his first tune on amiga.
Anyway hope you like my 2004 cover sorry for not asking first, but have found out that it was allready "cover" to C64 before my try.
My cover in the HVSC colly is not 100% I mean is a half note below that it should be, ofcourse this is changed on my real c64 floppies.
As I remember it was also in a "red/black chessboard zoomer" intro but have forgot who it was made for my guess is Megaforce.

Would just thank you very much for this tune.

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