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Forum Statistics

Forum opened:  Sun 19 Mar 2006
Open for:  18 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, 12 hours, 37 minutes, 6 seconds
Total posts:  58666
Forum topics:  4310
Forum replies:  54356
Forum thread views:  577210
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Database size (forum tables only):  23.8 mb
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Most active topics
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1 If you would like to read the forums, please register 36546 ALiEN^bf 2006.10.22
2 June 2008 What's going on at BitFellas? 29231 ALiEN^bf 2008.06.09
3 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2015 BitFellania! 8554 ALiEN^bf 2014.12.26
Top posters
Rank Name Posts %  
1 BitBot 16326 27.83%
2 ALiEN^bf 6945 11.84%
3 vincenzo 1439 2.45%
4 chromag 1403 2.39%
5 pohar 1398 2.38%
6 RRR 1320 2.25%
7 Ghandy 1176 2%
8 Truck 1058 1.8%
9 dalezy 982 1.67%
10 titus^Rab 804 1.37%
Top topic starters
Rank Name Posts %  
1 BitBot 1085 25.17%
2 ALiEN^bf 772 17.91%
3 Bobic 92 2.13%
4 titus^Rab 91 2.11%
5 ne7^bf 80 1.86%
6 vincenzo 76 1.76%
7 xenusion 72 1.67%
8 69 1.6%
9 pohar 67 1.55%
10 Ghandy 63 1.46%
Top repliers
Rank Name Posts %  
1 BitBot 15239 28.04%
2 ALiEN^bf 6173 11.36%
3 chromag 1370 2.52%
4 vincenzo 1363 2.51%
5 pohar 1331 2.45%
6 RRR 1273 2.34%
7 Ghandy 1113 2.05%
8 Truck 1006 1.85%
9 dalezy 955 1.76%
10 LiNCOLN 781 1.44%
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